Football Returns to Action on 18th July

Competitive matches re-commence on Saturday July 18th. See Upcoming Fixtures.

The Football Association of Ireland has approved a new Safer Return to Football Pathway which includes the following measures:

Football can return to playing friendly games from Saturday July 11th. We are playing St. James Gate at 11.30am in VEC.

Leagues who have had applications to extend their 2019-2020 season approved [UCFL] can resume League fixtures from July 18th and must have all competitions completed by September 14th

There is also a ‘Safer Return to Play Protocol’ [See FAI guidelines here]

VEC 2nds Results so far + games remaining

PICK-A-WINNER Re-Commences on Friday

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  • VEC’s Pick-A-Winner (PAW) Competition commenced on 7th March 2020 but with the Premier Division Fixtures suspended soon after due to Covid-19, so too PAW had to be put on hold!
  • So it will resume on the weekend of June 19/20/21 with Round 2 and will continue until Round 10 at the end of the season.
  • Of the 69 who entered, 28 have submitted their selections. The remaining 41 players should do so before 12 noon on Friday 19th June. Good luck!

If you have any comments or questions, please contact VEC FC at or

Update 8th June: FAI Announce ‘Safer Return To Training’

The Football Association of Ireland has today launched a Safer Return to Training Protocol document for all adult amateur and underage football, ahead of a return to training from Monday, June 15th.

Today’s Protocol publication provides a thorough and comprehensive step-by-step explanation to the Pathway that permits all adult amateur and underage football, to return to training on or after next Monday, June 15th. All clubs must appoint a COVID-19 Compliance Officer and carry out a risk assessment before any return is authorised.

Subject to Government guidelines, no matches – competitive or friendly – are allowed until further notice under the jurisdiction of the FAI.